Trademark Law
Your trademark is one of your most important, if not the most important, intellectual property (IP) asset that your business has in its IP portfolio. Let our Atlanta trademark law team help you. [Trademark Law Services]
Copyright Law
Copyright is one of two areas of law recognized by our Founding Fathers in the United States Constitution. Get the direction you need to protect your copyright.
[Copyright Law Services]
Patent Law
We can help you through the full spectrum of patent law needs, including providing patentability opinions, the application process, and patent prosecution. Find out more. [Patent Law Services]
Our Clients Say it Best
Trademark Law, Patent Law, Copyright Law. Let our Atlanta attorneys help you protect your intellectual property.
Do you need trademark or copyright help or protection? Have you conceived of an idea, developed a product or service that could be eligible for patent protection? Where do you start?
For many Atlanta start-ups, entrepreneurs and businesses looking to grow, figuring out how and whether to protect their intellectual property (IP) can sound like an extraordinary and costly adventure – that African safari on so many bucket lists around the world, for example. If only there were the time and money, and it wouldn't seem so risky and unfamiliar!
With Alexander Legal LLC, our Atlanta-based trademark law, patent law and copyright law team will help you strategically select how to cost-effectively and efficiently build and protect your intellectual property portfolio, determining which risks to take and which to protect against. Let us help you create your own IP protection journey.