Patent Applications
We handle patent applications and Office Actions in the following areas:
- Computer, Software, Business Methods
- Electrical art, consumer goods/electronics
- Mechanical arts, tools, consumer goods
Attorney labor
Provisional patent application
Attorney fees
Starting at
$3,500 (Up to 10 hours of attorney time)
USPTO filing fees
Based on entity size/status:
$75.00 micro
$150 small
$300 regular
- One (1) hour call w/attorney
- Email correspondence as needed
- Review of inventor documents, drawings, supporting documents
- Invention described/specification up to 15 pages
- Additional costs will apply if more work is needed.
A provisional patent application establishes an early filing date (important in a first-to-file system) that does not mature into an issued patent. Applicant must subsequently file a regular non-provisional patent application within twelve (12) months of the provisional filing.
Applicant may use the term “patent pending” once filed.
Non-provisional patent application
Starting at
$7,000 (Up to 20 hours of attorney time)
$455 micro
$910 small
$1,820 regular
- One (1) hour call w/attorney
- Email correspondence as needed
- Review of inventor documents, drawings, supporting documents
- Invention described/specification up to 25 pages
- Up to 3 independent claims; 20 total claims
- Additional costs will apply if more work is needed.